Six happy months with the cutest boy, are we lucky. This month we had quite a few firsts. Will rolled over, then back over. He cut his first tooth Aug 11th and then another today actually. He has also started making "ba-ba-ba" sounds which is so cute. Solid foods are a big "swing-and-a-miss." Will could not be less interested, so we'll see how that goes this next month. At his doctor's appointment today he was 19 lbs. 1 oz. and a marvelous 31 in. long!
Last night for the FIRST time ever... Will slept through the night! It was truly a miracle. Getting up three times a night for 7 months (Will's 6 months plus the last one from my pregnancy) is a bit much for me. I know of moms who do it for like 20 years and never complain and they love it, but I don't. I love my son, but I will be able to love him so much more when I'm not seeing double.
Anyway, click here for the pictures from this month. I usually try to pick out a few, but this month it ballooned into over 50 pictures, so I won't put them in a slideshow. Also, I'm attaching the captions to explain the pictures. If for some reason you don't see them click the "hide captions" button twice (it's a lovely little glitch). Hope to hear from you all, and please feel free to leave your comments!
All Our Love!
Hey cuz,
Weird, I ran across your blog accidentally through a friends. Small world. Your little guy is so cute, it makes me want one. I can see a little Knudsen in him. Check out our blog
He's so cute! I can't imagine having such a big baby! I hope Carson is 20 lbs at his 15 mo appt next week! :)
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