We don't have any fun pictures from Thanksgiving like everyone else. But we did have a great time! As an example of the true perversity of life, my parents now own (almost!) two houses and are living in a one-bedroom apartment. The explanation is that they are trying to sell their house in Dallas while simultaneously putting the finishing touches on their new house in Austin. This meant that for Thanksgiving with the folks it was my parents, my brother, and the three Roberts all in a one-bedroom apartment. We had a really good time (no sarcasm, seriously!) My mom didn't have all her Thanksgiving dinner equipment (pots, pans, etc.) since they are between places, so we did what we could, and the rest we bought. And it was great. We had the best BBQ in Texas the night before at Rudy's and then on Thanksgiving Day, when the temperature dropped thirty degrees, we stayed inside and played with Will. It was by far my most unconventional Thanksgiving, and for sure one of the most memorable (in a good way-I meant it!)
Other than that, we have been woefully delinquent in our blog posts and the reason is I'm doing some hand work on the side for a little money for Christmas. There is a ritzy Spa in Austin that is world famous (apparently, though I'd never heard of it) and it's a vacation spot for the well-to-do. They are re-decorating and paying people to crochet afghans for their rooms. This means of course that they have requested the colors and the pattern to match the rooms. And it's hideous. So who knows what the rooms look like. But if they will pay a pretty penny for afghans so ugly I wouldn't even buy them at a garage sale, then I say let the insanity continue. I have included a picture of my latest here for you with a close up so you can get the clear picture of what I'm having to look at day in and day out.

I also wanted to mention in passing that Will turned 9 months old over the Thanksgiving holiday and then went to the doctor the next week. He is 28.5 inches long, 21.25 pounds. I know that sounds like he's shrinking, but apparently they didn't measure him right last time. The doctor also listened politely to our pleas for something to do about his
still not sleeping through the night, then our prayers were answered when he realized that Will probably has acid reflux. So he's on Prevacid and is a much happier baby I think.
I have included here pictures of Will that I have been meaning to post. For all the pictures,
click here. Will had a rough time of it the day pictures were taken and Krista (who is amazing) did everything but back flips to get him to smile. These pictures are her work and for obvious reasons we'll be getting more pictures taken by her in the future.
Mikail!!! You are so crafty! I am actually trying to teach myself to crochet so I can make a baby blanket for my friend. I can only do a single crochet and a double crochet. I wish I was in Texas so you could teach me, I feel that my friend's baby is doomed to a boring blanket.
And I love your Halloween costumes. I showed all my friends at work and we laughed. In a good "that's so clever" kind of way.
Oh man, that is interesting about Will having acid reflux! My old boss had a baby with the same problem... it's so hard to find out! I'm glad he's doing better; it was a WORLD of difference with her little girl. Best of luck on getting through the night. You two are troopers! Love you!
Timmy had acid reflux as a baby too. We went through several meds before we found one that worked for him. I'm glad that he's doing better now. We miss you guys & the 8th ward too!
Wow! That blanket is amazing!! Your are so talented! Will is such a little cutie! I hope I can start coming to playgroup again in January...Nov. & Dec. have just been CRAZY!
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